Saturday, January 14, 2012

cold, not so cold, and cold again


What a crazy week...It hit 60 degrees mid week and then down to like 10 degrees by the end of the week. In January!! Crazy, but I love it! I am not much of a winter person. If it wasn't for the beautiful fall, I think I could go live at the beach. :)

Last weekend we took Will ice skating for the time. He had a blast! At first I thought it was going to be a disaster for is all he did was play limp legs and Thad was bent over dragging him through the ice. The first lap around took like 10 minutes, then he finally started to catch on. He really liked watching his daddy skate. Thad used to play hockey so he was super speedy. Then we had Will try to skate with a cone, but it wasn't until about 15 minutes before we left that he started to catch on to moving one foot in font of the other and he was able to hold on to Thad's hand and balance with the wall on his other side. Every time he fell he wanted to make snow angels...we don't know why, but it was pretty funny to watch. :) He really liked it, and it really wore him out. I think next time we go he will really start to take off.





Then mid-week it started to warm up so we pushed our winter activities to the side and went to the zoo! I was so excited to make use of our membership one more time. This time of year there are only about half of the animals out, but we still had fun, and it was so refreshing to be outside! Will also got lots of practice on his scooter going around the block.

outside the new sea lion exhibit at the Blank Park Zoo/scooter ride
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Then of course reality hit us again and it was winter a day later. Cold. Brrrrr. So with some of his Christmas money we went out and bought his first lego set. I can not tell you how exciting this was! It is pretty much all we have been doing around here lately. He likes to build monkeys and Buzz's, and other people to go in his "town."...and then constantly asks me to build everything he can possibly think of. Good times. :)

kind of blurry...Will and new lego town

...and Karlie was sound asleep in the ergo during all of these things. (just felt funny not including her)... :)

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