Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!...recap and resolutions

the fam on Christmas Eve

It's 2012! I am the kind of person that on Jan. 1 I like to start fresh. Yes, start eating less junk and jump into a consistent new routine. Setting new goals and trying new things. I am a little behind this year since we have been celebrating Christmas a bit later with family. We really enjoyed the Christmas season this year. We had fun decorating our new home and putting up Christmas lights and starting new traditions. Will is at such a fun age for many crafts and activities. He now understands the Christmas story and enjoys learning about Jesus. We celebrated with family, went to a couple of Christmas Eve services and ate lots of food. :)

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On Christmas morning
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I got BIG Buzz!! (...and lots of other stuff) :)
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Karlie just liked all the lights.
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2011 has been a great year! We have lived in Des Moines now for just over a year and have really enjoyed being in familiar territory. It feels like home! Thad graduated in February and started his practice in Clive. We went to Custer State Park in South Dakota for a little summer trip with Thad's family. The most awesomest part of 2011 was the birth of our beautiful daughter Karlie. We were so blessed to have a natural birth in the comfort of our own home. It was awesome! Will turned 3 and we have been learning how to raise two kiddos instead of one. It's been a good and challenging year! :) What I have learned most this year is to check my perspective on a regular basis. While home with the kids I need to remember to ask myself; Do I see my children as the gifts they are? Do I see myself as the instrument that I was created to be? Do I see God as He is? control, powerful, loving. There definitely is much peace in that.

Like I said before, I am a goal setter. I am a list maker. I am a planner and always have to be doing. Last year I decided to make small monthly goals throughout the year instead of one big resolution for 2011 and I really enjoyed it. It was much more doable as well. Besides cutting out white sugar from my diet again starting next week, there are a few general ongoing goals I would like to be intentional about this year. I want to make sure my home is a place where creativity can flow. A place of peace, contentment and love. To daily be thankful and gentle. I know that each of these things start with in my own heart so they can then be shared with the rest of the family. That is my prayer for 2012. For a year of peace, contentment, gentleness, thankfulness, and His love. I am hoping to learn how to be this person. :)

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

P.S. Thad and I also may be having some sort of "get your abs in shape" contest, but we have not yet worked out the details. hehe :)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

this is wonderful sis :) I LOVE that Christmas picture of you all at Dad''s a great picture of all of you and you look stunning! Wish we could have been there- miss you heaps and love you!

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