It is just about back to school time and my shop is full of fun colorful accessories to jump start the year. Above is Will's "special new snack bag," as he calls it. :) We carry it everywhere!...and it is so much better, and more fun of course, then going through so many plastic baggies. I have a variety of different patterns to choose from and some fun sandwich wraps as seen below.
...and some felt crayon rolls!
There is nothing more exciting for my 2 year old than to whip this cool roll out while traveling or at a restaurant, keep him busy. He also just has fun organizing the crayons in the little pouches. :) You can check it all out over at my shop!
These are so cute!! And- you look absolutely fabulous... hope these next couple weeks go well for you!! I'm actually trying to add your page to the list of blogs that I follow- I've been stalking you for awhile and figured it's time to get official! :) I'm having a hard time adding it to my list... is there a reason I can't? Just thought I'd ask before I spend too much more time trying. Thanks!!
Becky- I don't know that is wierd...when I click on your name here it doesn't bring me to your profile either. Usually people just click follow on my sidebar and that seems to work. At least I don't think anyone else has had trouble with this....humm..
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