Many people in our country think of homebirth as unsafe, generally because we are uneducated about it and don’t know what other options are available. We personally feel more comfortable in our own home where I can relax. I am able to labor in whatever position I need to do with out having to worry about who is going to walk in the room next. I will be able to sleep in my own bed afterwards next to my husband. I can eat or drink whatever I want and whenever I want because it is immediately available. It will also be less likely for me to pick up an infection. A mother is used to the bacteria in her own environment and has built up immunities to it.
Giving birth is a very normal and natural condition. For me, I feel that in a hospital we are treated as more of a medical patient. In the hospital a baby being born is a daily occurrence and treated like it is a medical condition. Essentially the mother is the only one who really knows what her body needs. It is also less likely to have unnecessary intervention with a midwife attended homebirth. There are many people I have talked to that feel they were unhappy with the way things progressed in a hospital setting. For instance, the doctor does not feel like the labor is progressing and they do not want to be there all night so they call the shots and bring the patient in for a c-section when maybe the baby was just not ready to come out yet.(In some situations; not them all.) For women having their first birth in a hospital the c-section rate is now up to 40%! For women having their first birth at home the c-section rate is at 1%. Crazy! Wow, it seems like most of the time a c-section is pretty unnecessary, and opens the door for more complications. I do understand that for some people there is no choice and that is the way it goes, but I do know that I would want to stay away from that as much as possible.
Here is a bit of information I found interesting while reading a fellow bloggers thoughts...
"At homebirths, babies are usually immediately placed on the mom’s stomach or breast, providing security, warmth and immediate bonding between mom and baby. This contact provides security for both mom and baby. In the rare case when the baby has difficulty breathing on its own, midwives are fully trained in infant CPR. Usually, putting the baby right to the breast and having mom talk to her baby will encourage it to take those first breaths.
Putting the baby immediately to the breast helps reduce any bleeding the mom may have. The sucking action stimulates the uterus and causes it to contract. This closes off blood vessels and reduces bleeding."-Amy.
We are still thinking about hiring a doula to assist in the laboring. I will attend a series of birth classes taught by a trained Bradley Method doula in our area and from there we will decide if we want to have her attend our birth as well. She will teach us plenty of positions that will help the labor progress without using pitocin. If she were to attend our birth she would also provide us with specific message that can help ease pain and progress labor as well. I don't have much information about doula services yet, we are learning as we go. If anyone has had a similar experience and has any advice for me, let me know I would love to hear about your experience.
And here is an update...I am 13 weeks and 5 days along...or 96 days along...or you could say I have 26 wks and 2 days to go...or 184 days to go. hehe, kinda fun :) The fetus is said to be about the size of a peach right now. I have still been feeling pretty good, and am now entering into my second trimester! Crazy! It feels like this has all just started, but I am now a third of the way done! So exciting!...but I am still tired all the time. Hopefully that will start to get better as I progress into the second trimester. I have really started to have an opinion about what foods I want to eat and which ones I CAN NOT STAND! I kind of feel like a kid, with certain foods (depends on the day), I will start to chew and have to spit it right back out or I feel like I may get sick. Eww! But for the most part I am feeling pretty good. Our next prenatal appointment is April 2nd. Here is my 13 weeks and 5 days belly picture...
Sounds like you've given it serious thought and done your research. :)
YAY...I love the start of the baby bump!! :)
You look so cute and I am SO proud of you for choosing a homebirth!!!! You are just setting yourself up for success for now and for the future! And ohhhhh the precious bonding that happens when you are at home in your's just priceless.
WAY TO GO!!!!!!
Stephanie, Thank you so much for your comment on my blog!
Congratulations to you on your pregnancy. You will be looking like Heather in no time at all! :-)
STEPH! I just read your comments on our website, and Chris did NOT give me a hug for you! but, I've got it now! I MISS YOU and would love to talk to you...YAY FOR BABIES!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
I think whatever makes you most comfortable is best.congratulations!
You have a cute blog. Couldn't help but comment.
I've given birth to 3 (in a hospital), and feel that you make some great points!!! Your own bed will be so much more comfortable, you won't have to remind the nurse "no I don't want narcotics for the pain..."
People have been giving birth from the begining of time!! It's a wonderful and beautiful thing. The adreniline rush is beyond compare!! Best of Luck.
I had homebirths with my last two kids and I loved it! Personally, i think that the most important thing is to have a good relationship with your midwife or doctor, whether at home or in the hospital.
As a public health nurse, yay! :) I am very excited that you and Thad are choosing home birth. That is truly wonderful. Go you!
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